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Create an Item Card – Setup

Item cards hold the master data required to buy, store, produce, account, track, sell and ship items.

Prerequisites : Item Creation

  • Item units of measure are set up
  • All posting groups are set up
  • Gather all item data concerning naming, cost and price, purchasing, production, reordering, storage.

To Fill in the General FastTab

  1. From the Items list page, click New to open a new empty item card.
  2. Press Enter to have the program insert the next number in the item number series.
  3. Enter the item’s name in the Description field.
  4. Look up from the Base Unit of Measure field to create and select a code (for example PCS).
  5. In the Item Category Code field, you can specify a product group from which assigned default values will be created for the item, including posting groups (see Posting Group fields below).
    Most of the fields on the right-hand side of the FastTab provide lookups to detailed information about the item’s inventory level and its current supply and demand situation.
  6. In the Blocked field you can place a check mark to define that the item can not be used in any way by the system. This means, among others, that the item can not be posted as consumed from a production journal (see Register Consumption and Output – Use Guide 7).

To Fill in the Invoicing FastTab

  • 7. In the Costing Method field, you must select the costing method that will determine how the program calculates the unit cost of the item and the cost of outbound items. Standard is typically used for manufacturing items. Specific is typically used for serial-numbered items.
    The Average Cost (LCY) field is filled by the program.
  • 8. If you have chosen Standard costing method, you must fill in the Standard Cost field with an appropriate value for the cost of one unit of the item.
    The Unit Cost field initializes order lines and journal lines as they are created. For items using Standard costing method, this field contains the standard cost.
  • 9. For costing methods other than Standard, fill in the Unit Cost field with an appropriate value when you create the item. When you run the Adjust Cost – Item Entries batch job, the program updates the field so it contains the most recent adjusted average unit cost.
  • 10. Fill in the Unit Price field with the sales price of one unit of the item.
    The program updates the Last Direct Cost field whenever a purchase is invoiced.
  • 11. Fill in the Posting Group fields to be able post transactions with the item.
    The Net Invoiced Quantity field is updated by the program.
    The Sales Unit of Measure field is filled with the base unit of measure, but you can change it.

To Fill in the Replenishment FastTab

  1. Select in the Replenishment System field whether your standard way of supplying the item is by buying it (Purchase) or by producing it (Prod. Order).
    For a purchased item:
  2. In the Vendor No., you can specify a default supplier of the item, and that vendor will then be suggested when planning for the item.
  3. In the Vendor Item No. field, you can enter the vendor’s own item identification (if different from yours).
  4. Enter a date formula in the Lead Time Calculation field to specify the time it takes to replenish this purchased item (e.g. 1W). The program uses this field in date calculations as follows: Order Date + Default Safety Lead Time + Lead Time Calculation = Planned Receipt Date.

For a produced item:

  1. In the Manufacturing Policy field, select Make-to-order to have the program consider all BOM levels during planning. Note: If both the parent item and its subassemblies use Make-to-Order, the planning logic will create a production order with subassembly production order lines indented under the parent’s order line.
  2. In the Routing No. field you can look up and select a routing to govern the item’s manufacturing process. A specific routing must be set up and certified before it can be used for an item card. (See Create a Routing – Setup Guide 3).
  3. In the Production BOM No. field you can look up and select a production BOM to govern the product structure of the item. A specific production BOM must be set up and certified before it can be used for an item card (see Create a Production BOM – Setup).
  4. Select in the Flushing Method field whether consumption of this item in production should be calculated and posted manually; Manual, or automatically with either of the following two methods: Forward, to have the program automatically calculate and post consumption when the production order is released, or Backward, to have the program automatically calculate and post consumption when the released production order is finished.
  5. Specify in the Scrap % field the percentage of the item that you expect to be scrapped in the production process. The program uses this percentage when it calculates unit prices and net requirements.
  6. In the Lot Size field, you can specify how many units of the item are usually produced in one production lot (but you can still create orders of a different quantity). The program uses this number to calculate the item’s standard cost and to distribute the fixed costs of manufacturing the lot.

To Fill in the Planning FastTab

Note: Most of the fields on this FastTab relate to the use of automatic planning and those will not be covered in Quick Guides.
  1. Select Blank in the Reordering Policy field if you are strictly using manual order planning (see Plan for New Demand – Use Guide 1).
  2. In the Reserve field you can determine whether the program will allow reservation for this item. The option you select here is carried to sales lines for the item and will override a reservation option on the sales header (carried from the customer card). Except, if you select Optional in this field and you enter the item on a sales line where the sales header contains Always, the sales line will be assigned the option Always.
  3. Define in the Order Tracking Policy field whether the program should create order tracking links between matching supply and demand. Select Tracking Only to have the program creates order tracking entries in two circumstances: Dynamically, when creating any order that may be matched by an existing order and directly, when creating a supply order specifically for the demand. Select None if the program should not create order tracking entries at all.
Jubel Thomas Joy, a 16+ year Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central/NAV/Navision expert, founded "Navision Planet" in 2009. Certified in Business Central , D365 - Commerce and many more. He blogs on the latest updates and various modules of Business Central & LS Central, showcasing expertise in SQL, Microsoft Power Platforms, and over 150 organizations of work experience.


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