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Subcontracting Patch For The Posting Error

Subcontracting Posting Error while receiving Items

In the case of receiving 2items in the subcontracting procedure only first line material is shown in the GRN properly. Second item w’nt be displayed in the normal database this can be over come by the following type of customization. 

  1. Open the Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post
  2. In the OnRun(VAR Rec : Record “Purchase Header”) function first you have to identify following code.

    PurchLine.SETRANGE(“Document Type”,”Document Type”);
    PurchLine.SETRANGE(“Document No.”,”No.”);
    LineCount := 0; 
    AmountAddedtoVendor := 0; 
    SrcCurrAmountAddedtoVendor := 0;

  3. Now you can replace this by following type of codes

PurchLine.SETRANGE(“Document Type”,”Document Type”);
PurchLine.SETRANGE(“Document No.”,”No.”);

IF Subcontracting THEN // add line
PurchLine.SETRANGE(“Line No.”,SubConPostLine); // addline
LineCount := 0; 
AmountAddedtoVendor := 0; 
SrcCurrAmountAddedtoVendor := 0;

After doing this you can able to receive more than 1 items using Subcontracting.

Jubel Thomas Joy, a 16+ year Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central/NAV/Navision expert, founded "Navision Planet" in 2009. Certified in Business Central , D365 - Commerce and many more. He blogs on the latest updates and various modules of Business Central & LS Central, showcasing expertise in SQL, Microsoft Power Platforms, and over 150 organizations of work experience.


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