Home Manufacturing Module Item Picture Upload and Download

Item Picture Upload and Download


Item Picture Export and Import In Navision

To upload(Import) or Download(Export) in Navision you have follow following steps..

  1. First up all you have to open an Item Card.
  2. Then go to Item(Button)–> Picture.
  3. Click on Picture(Button)
  4. There 3 options will be there Import, Export and Delete
  5. For Upload a picture to the Item card you have to select Import option, choose the path of the impage then press Ok.
  6. For Download a picture to the Item card you have to select Export option, choose the path of the impage then press Ok.
  7. For Delete an existing picture you have to select delete option.

Note: In the Navision you can upload impage with a format *.bmp.



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