Home Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Top 15 Difference in C/AL vs AL Coding

Top 15 Difference in C/AL vs AL Coding


This post is dedicated to those who asked recently to get the simple comparison result between C/AL coding language used in Dynamics NAV / Navision vs AL Language used in latest edition of Business Central. Hope after checking simple table you will get complete how C/AL vs AL differed.

Difference between C/SIDE(C/AL) vs VS Code(AL)

Difference between C/SIDE(C/AL) vs VS Code(AL) details is as follows

C/AL – Client/Server Application LanguageAL – Application Language
Keyword UppercaseKeyword Lowercase
.NET SupportNative Web Services Types
Object DesignerReal Time Compiling
Symbol MenuOption Member
File SupportFile Upload from Stream
Translations in ObjectsWhere Used
Coding on Same application area – Object DesignerCoding via Open Source product Visual Studio Code
Object Extension Creation Difficult or Limited
set of options available
Object Extension Creation Easy
These Options not available or Limited option available with some features similar.> Formatting, syntax highlighting and rich IntelliSense
> Support for and snippets to define Codeunits, Pages, Page Extensions, Tables, Table Extensions,XMLPorts, and Reports
> Support for reference by symbols ( Shift+F12 ) to jump to all instances of a specific symbol
Added support for using HTTP and JSON types to access Azure functions and other Web Services
> Ability to define a dependency on another extension by listing it in the app.json configuration file
Autogeneration of app.json and launch.json project files
Object stored in .FOB or .txt filesObject stored in .APP files
Source Code VisibleSource Code Not Visible directly
Include Standard Objects and Standard Code can be changedYou cannot the change the Standard code. You have to create extension and then extend the functionality.
Comparison Table

Development Interface Screen Difference

Following image shows the object development area / Coding Interface difference

C / AL Coding Interface

C / AL Coding Interface Object Designer
C / AL Coding Interface Object Designer
C/SIDE Development Sample Architecture

AL Coding Interface

AL – Coding Interface in Visual Studio Code
AL Development Architecture used in Business Central



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